Key press to play music and click the checkbox to view the camera. You can also view the code in p5.js by using this link -


This is an improvisation on the 'experimental camera' from my project 6. I have incorporated the features where the user can decide if they want their faces to show or if they doesn't want to see anything. Global migrant crisis is a big issue in many countries in Europe, America and Asia. There are lot of hardships that an immigrant has to go through to have a better life. There have been many protests around the world for and against migrants but there hasn't been much of a change. I wanted to project the inofrmation about different migrant stories within the camera in such a way that it allows the user to view the texts on the camera with or without the pictures of immigrants. The camera could be visually disturbing to some people therefore the consensual camera allows the user to be flexible about their choices. The message could be delivered whether the camera is on or off. Nowadays, we see there are many hidden cameras within the apps or web which tracks a user and records their data without their consent. So, this camera won't be recording or capturing any data from the user at all, no information would be shared by any means. This camera is absolutely safe and sound for the users.


My camera brings a sense of global story about immigrants around the globe. The idea is to bring awareness in the society and show the support to the sufferers who are fighting against the rigidity of country borders and laws. The F.I.E.S principles conveys the designers to incoporate consent for any user interaction where the information is personal and private. I have applied the first principle "Freely Given" which confirms the user whether they agree with the terms and conditions, and willing to proceed further. This is the most important principles of all and gives the user visibility of only the content they want to see. It is straightforward and makes sure the user would know what they'll be looking at once they turn their camera on. Another few F.I.E.S principles applied here are "Specific, Informed, Reversible and Enthusiatic." The information is specific meaning that if they've said yes to one thing, doesn't mean they have approved of other things. In this case, the user would only see the options that they want to see by clicking on the buttons and won't be seeing anything that hasn't been agreed. I have put four buttons, which allows the user to choose whichever they feel like and however they want to explore either with -
case 1. Camera on with Immigrants faces
case 2. Camera on with no immigrant faces
case 3. Camera off with Immigrant faces
case 4. Camera off with No immigrant faces.
Each of these cases show different content on the camera. Another focal point is that, the reversiblity of camera once clicked shows the opposite - for example, if you press camera on, you can see the option for camera off at the bottom right which perfoms the 'reversible' principle of F.I.E.S. The home page or the display page where you see the content reflects the application of 'Informed principle' which tells what the camera contains and what they should be aware of. In the case 4, where a person chooses not to turn on camera or immigrants face, I have added a display page which shows the general picture of immigrants with a quotation on top which talks about the courage the immigrants have, even while suffering so much due to migration. Using these principles, I built this camera delivering strong information about global migrant crisis to the users. If the user doesn't click the checkbox, the program wouldn't run and the buttons for camera on off and immigrant faces on off won't work. In order to do that, my idea is that the user reads the terms and proceed.


I have noticed that many of the applications or websites ask the user to review the terms and conditions, allows the user to pick their options but turn the camera on as the program is run. In my case, I have made sure that until the user clicks agree to proceed further, and clicks on the camera on - the green light on your phone or computer would appear which means that the camera has been turned on. This is an extremely important point where the user wouldn't notice these small things. It is nearly invisible to some people due to different interfaces of mobile screens, laptops, PCs or web cabs. If you have clicked the camera on button, it would show your face along with the filter but if you click the camera off button it would turn off. This activity clearly defines the framework where nothing is being recorded or visible without their consent and even the green light on the webcame only turns on when the camera is on. Lot of apps do not follow this code of conduct,so a designer or coder should make sure they serve the correct services they've asked from the users. In the future, I would make a visually interactive user interface which could bring more subtleness and joy, when the person operates. I tried to put a home button/ start over button which could actually bring the user to the first display page where the user chooses the interactions. But, the code became complex due to multiple use of stories and texts which became hard to run. I believe that I should have made the home button first and syncronised the code according to that, but this idea came up at the last stage of coding which in the end didn't work due to complications in the code. I used the same code, I used in the experimental camera assignment, where the content remains the same but the interface changes. Due to usage of many if condition statements in my code, it became complex to work on the errors on the filters. I took forward the feedback from my instructor, on experimental camera where she suggested that I should give the user time to take in the information while I show their faces for few seconds in between the stories. In the previous assignment, I simply laid out the camera filter of migrant faces by tracking the user's face. I tested the user interaction between my family members. They suggested that I could use different textual fonts, with animated effects. The user interface could be more interesting but they liked my first page and that I respect the user if they doesn't want to turn their cameras on or see migrant faces they could still know what the information says through only texts. Due to individual texts and images the code has become complicated and the errors are hard to find. In future, I would also avoid putting lot of information in a javascript file.
